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Xylem Water Solutions

Dustcontrol’s solution for Xylem Water Solutions


Dustcontrol were asked to help to direct hot air from the central unit back into the premises in the winter to save heating expenses. To collect hazardous gases and rest materials when working with handheld tools such as cable pealing tools. Cleaning the threads of the finished parts before proceeding to the next step in the production process. To collect sand blasted parts and transport them to a container outside the facility.


The Dustcontrol systems are fully monitored by computers and the level of suction is
adjusted on demand to save energy. If someone for example forgot to turn of the system an alarm will alert the service technician. Dustcontrol has equipped the handheld tools with suction casings to collect hazardous gases and rest materials. ”It’s very effective; plastic, paint, and gases disappear into the hose.” says Jan Petersson.

A Dustcontrol pre- separator is also used to separate the liquid from the metal. ”The liquid is reused, the mixed metal is sent off for recycling while the pure metals are used in our own foundry”, says Jan Petersson. Dustcontrol has finally installed pipe lines that have special reinforcements to withstand the sand and metal that blasts through the pipes at approx. 20 m/s. The blasted parts are first collected in a small container, and then vacuum to the top floor and transported through a peristaltic airlock down to big containers outside.


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  • 18 stationary systems – supplement with the DC Green System
  • Pre-separators
  • Suction casings


Dustcontrol has installed 18 stationary vacuum systems at Xylem’s premises in Lindås, Emmaboda, Sweden.

Company contact

Xylem Water Solutions

Dustcontrol, Box 3088, Kumla Gårdsväg 14, 145 03 Norsborg, SWEDEN